Sunday, August 23, 2020

Theories of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)

Hypotheses of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) This task attempts to examine different speculations concerning remote direct venture and give the announcement with respect to whether the hypotheses give an effective clarification of the principle determinants of such action In genuine sense the primary speculations of FDI doesn't give fruitful clarification of the fundamental determinants for such action, as clarified by Dunning and Lundan (2008:81) Multinational Enterprises and Global Economy second Edition. Meaning of outside direct venture As indicated by Graham and Spaulding (site data) direct remote interest in its traditional definition is characterized as the organization from one nation making physical venture into building a production line to another nation. Outside direct venture (FDI) plays an unprecedented and developing job in worldwide business. It can furnishes a firm with new markets and showcasing channels, less expensive creation offices, access to knew innovation, items, abilities and financing. For a host nation or the outside firm which gets the speculation, it can give a solid driving force to financial turn of events. The immediate interest in building, hardware and gear is interestingly with making a portfolio speculation, which is viewed as a roundabout venture. As of late, given quick development and change in worldwide speculation designs, the definition has been expanded to incorporate the securing of enduring administration enthusiasm for an organization or endeavor outside the contributing f irms home nation. In that capacity, it might take numerous structures, for example, an immediate securing of an outside firm, development of an office, or interest in a joint endeavor or technique union with a neighborhood firm with specialist contribution of innovation, developing, authorizing of Ewe-Ghee Lim (web data) The paper tells around two parts of direct outside speculation (FDI): its connection with monetary development and its determinants. The initial segment centers around positive overflows from FDI while the second arrangements with the determinants of FDI. The paper finds that while significant help exists for positive overflows from FDI, there is no accord on causality. On determinants, the paper finds that market size, framework quality, political/financial soundness, and organized commerce zones are significant for FDI, while results are blended with respect to the significance of monetary motivations, the business/speculation atmosphere, work expenses, and receptiveness. Dunning (1993:3), clarify that there is less difference about FDI THEORIES globalization as a procedure of towards the broadening of the degree and type of cross-fringe exchanges; and the extending of the monetary association between the activities of globalizing elements situated in different nations. The FDI hypotheses clarify the motivation behind why FDI happens and the determinants of FDI. The hypotheses have customarily accentuates showcase flaw (Hymer, 1960; Kindlebeger, 1969) and firm explicit focal points or proprietorship favorable circumstances got from the responsibility for resources, for example, innovations, the executives abilities, and hierarchical capacities (Caves, 1971). Hymers showcase blemishes hypotheses proposed that a firm may have certain bit of leeway that might be produced from the fields of innovation, the board or advertising A. L Calvet (1981:43-59) Journal of International Business Study (hhtp:// on 07.11.2009. He state that Kindleberger gave the main far reaching study of the different speculations of remote direct venture alongside the lines communicated by Hymer. He moved toward the topic of direct venture from the angle of the totally serious model of neoclassical financial aspects by declaring that in a universe of unadulterated rivalry direct speculation couldn't exist. Kindleberger (1969, p13) Indeed, when all business sectors work productively, when there are no outer economies of creation or showcasing, when data is costless and there are no boundaries to exchange or rivalry, International exchange is the main conceivable type of worldwide association. Intelligently, it follows that is the takeoffs from the model of immaculate rivalry that must give the justification to remote direct speculation. The main deviation had been noted by Hymer (1960/1976), who proposed that n earby firms have better data about the financial condition in their nation than do remote organizations. As indicated by his contention, two conditions must be satisfied to clarify the presence of direct venture: (1) remote firms must have a countervailing advantage over the neighborhood firms to make such speculation practical, and (2) the market for the offer of this bit of leeway must be blemished. It was, along these lines, a characteristic advance for Kindleberger later to recommend that showcase flaws were the explanation behind the presence of outside direct venture. In particular, he concocted the accompanying scientific classification: Imperfections in products markets, defects in factors advertise, scale economies and government forced disturbances. This characterization might be known as the market worldview; To envelop new advancements in the field of determinants of outside venture, a to some degree diverse scientific categorization from that of Kindleberger was propose d to recognize among four classes: (1) advertise disequilibrium theories, (2) government-force contortions, (3) showcase structure defects, and (4) advertise disappointment blemishes. The basic element found in all the theories in gathering (1) will be the short lived nature of remote direct speculation. FDI is an equilibrating power among divided markets which in the long run reaches a conclusion when balance is restored; that is when paces of return are leveled among nations. The bringing together trademark in gathering (2) will be the pretended by either host or home governments in giving the motivation to contribute abroad. Gathering (3) will remember hypotheses for which the conduct of firms veers off from that expected under immaculate rivalry, through their capacity to impact showcase costs. At long last, in gathering (4) will be characterized hypotheses which withdraw from the specialized suppositions behind the model of impeccable markets; that is, the suspicions about crea tion strategies and ware properties. This last classification will manage those wonders which lead to advertise disappointment or, situations where the decentralizing effectiveness of that system of signs, rules and work in sanctions which characterizes a value showcase framework will fall flat. (Bator 1958, p. 352) Market disequilibrium theories: The thought of an ideal economy and impeccable rivalry requires the supposition that costs wherever are changed in accordance with bring gracefully and request into balance. It likely could be that on account of division in world markets paces of return are not adjusted universally. In a disequilibrium setting streams of FDI would happen until business sectors come back to soundness. Cases of disequilibrium conditions that give impetuses to contribute abroad are those which apply to factor markets and remote trade markets. Ragazzi (1973:491) State that Currency overvaluation is maybe the most remarkable case of these disequilibrium speculations. A cash might be characterized as exaggerated when at the common pace of trade creation costs for tradable products in the nation are, by and large, higher than in different nations. Such an event makes open doors revenue driven creation by holding resources in underestimated monetary standards with the desire that, when the balance in the remote trade advertise is restored, capital increases will be figured it out. In interim, there is an impetus to find creation of universally exchanged wares nations with underestimated monetary forms and to buy salary delivering resources with exaggerated cash. The significant point is that, when trade rates come back to harmony, the progression of FDI should stop. Much increasingly outside financial specialists should sell their remote resources, pocket the capital gains, and come back to local activities. Outside direct venture might be pulled in toward zones where the normal paces of benefit are higher. This is essentially the capital markets disequilibrium theories. It infers that, for a given degree of hazard, paces of profit for resources are not evened out globally by portfolio capital streams, because of wasteful aspects in protections markets, for example, slimness or karma of exposure. As indicated by Piggott and Cook (1999:260-261) International Business Economics: An European Perspective second Edition It is hard to fit into one perfect hypothesis in light of the issue of definition; besides any hypothesis of FDI is definitely a hypothesis of MNCs. too, and consequently indivisible from the hypothesis of the firm. Thirdly, the idea of FDI makes it a multidimensional subject inside the circle of financial aspects just as an interdisciplinary one. It includes the hypothesis of the firm, appropriation hypothesis, capital hypothesis, exchange hypothesis and worldwide account just as the order of human science and governmental issues. It is thusly unrealistic to distinguish any single hypothesis of FDI because of numerous clarifications of FDI. Additionally difficult to characterize these clarifications into unmistakable and slick gatherings, because of generous covering between a portion of the clarifications. They assembled the hypotheses into three classes. 1).Traditional hypotheses 2).Modern hypotheses and 3).Radical hypotheses Customary hypotheses depend on neo-old style monetary and clarify FDI regarding area explicit preferences. Morden hypotheses accentuate the way that item and factor markets are blemished both locally and universally and that significant value-based expenses are engaged with advertise arrangements. Additionally they recognize that administrative and hierarchical capacities assume a significant job in embraced FDI. The extreme hypotheses, these take a progressively basic perspective on Multinational National Corporation (MNCs). Let first look at the possession, Location and Internalization focal points, some of the time alluded as worldview of OLI. To clarify the

Friday, August 21, 2020

Sample Research Paper Essay Example for Free

Test Research Paper Essay Presentation The melamine discussion that emitted during the last quarter of year 2008 took people’s consideration back to the discussions among breastfeeding and the utilization of bosom milk substitutes like business baby equation. This wasn’t the first occasion when that baby equation had caused sicknesses and even passings to newborn children overall henceforth the persistent crusade of World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF alongside other breastfeeding advocates, for moms to breastfeed their kids at any rate until a half year old enough. Newborn child taking care of practices allude by and large to meet the healthful and immunological needs of the infant. An investigation of baby taking care of practices was done on an example of 100 mother and newborn child sets. The outcomes uncovered that solitary 20% of moms in the investigation as of now solely breastfeed their infants. It additionally shows that financial elements like mother’s work status, conjugal status and instructive fulfillment had direct bearing on these practices. Utilized moms will in general quit breastfeeding their children and inevitably stop and simply resort to recipe taking care of as they return to work. The examination alsoâ showed that moms who are hitched and living with their accomplices are bound to breastfeed their newborn children than single parents. Those with higher instructive accomplishment resort more to recipe taking care of and blended taking care of than those with lower instructive fulfillment. Medicinal services experts impact moms the most with regards to newborn child taking care of choices. System Kind of Research The kind of research that will be utilized in this examination is subjective research and quantitative research. Subjective specialists expect to assemble an inside and out comprehension of human conduct and the reasons that administer such conduct. The order researches the â€Å"why† and â€Å"how† of dynamic. Other than this, the analyst will likewise look at the wonder through perceptions in numerical portrayals and through measurable investigation. Alongside polls that will be offered out to respondents for the factual portrayal of the discoveries in the investigation, interviews with the respondents and a couple of specialists in this field will likewise be led. Inspecting Method The exploration examining strategy that will be utilized in this investigation is irregular inspecting to acquire a progressively logical outcome that could be utilized to speak to the total of the populace. A rundown of all human services offices (maternity and lying-in facilities, open and private medical clinics, wellbeing focuses) was procured from the Las Piã ±as City Hall. From 20 barangays, 3 will be looked over arbitrary testing. The human services offices and foundations in these three barangays will at that point be the objective wellsprings of respondents of the scientist. The medicinal services offices and organizations will be reached to get a verbal agree to control the poll to moms at their places. A letter of assent will likewise be sent to them alongside an example duplicate of the survey that will be utilized, just as the convention of the scientist. A letter was additionally routed to the City Health Officer to acquire support and agree to lead an exploration in c hose barangays and circulate polls to the moms in the region. Information assortment was led all through the facilitiesâ€ÿ and wellbeing centersâ€ÿ working hours from Mondays through Sundays so as to incorporate both working and non-working moms. Respondents The respondents in this exploration will all be originating from one single area Las Piã ±as City, explicitly the haphazardly chose barangays of Pamplona I, CAA/BF International and Pamplona III. The analyst picked Las Piã ±as City as a result of the financial conditions present in the region that is pertinent to the examination and furthermore as it fits the time span and assets of the specialist. The arbitrarily inspected respondents will be approached by the specialist for agree and endorsement to answer the poll until the ideal number of respondents which is 100 is reached. The assessment of specialists will likewise be looked for in this examination to give clarifications with respect to the respondentsâ€ÿ newborn child taking care of practices and practices. Survey The survey requires data about the financial and segment foundation of the mother. It additionally has questions identified with past newborn child taking care of practices and the introduction of her most youthful baby and furthermore in regards to the baby’s general wellbeing and age. Explanations that are seen to be factors that impact mothersâ€ÿ newborn child taking care of choices were introduced. The depiction of the kind of newborn child recipe given by equation and blended taking care of moms will likewise be asked in the material. End Dominant part of the moms equation feed their youngster and just a minority solely breastfeeds their kids, particularly according to suggestion of the World Health Organization. While lion's share of the moms in this investigation demonstrated an uplifting disposition towards breastfeeding, a large portion of them concluded uniquely to recipe feed because of the reasons of inadequate milk flexibly and work. In light of the consequences of the investigation, the instructive achievement, work status, conjugal status, and classes in the barangay the respondents are a piece of, about breastfeeding, are the huge components that influence the newborn child taking care of choice of moms in Las Piã ±as City. Dominant part of the moms that filled in as respondents in this investigation fall under the age scope of 17-30 years of age. The greater part of them were additionally school graduates while a critical number are students and have just reached until secondary school. The majority of th e moms are housewives and the others remaining have all day occupations, low maintenance employments and independently employed. A couple of them are still understudies. Whileâ majority of them were hitched, a great deal were still in a status of live-in and are single. The greater part of the moms didn't have past youngsters before the present one. Dominant part of the respondents likewise have a yearly gross family unit pay that doesn't surpass P50,000. Among the few data sources in particular, media through TVs/radios and printed/distributed materials, the social emotionally supportive network contained the mother’s family, companions and different family members and wellbeing establishments, the moms who give their children newborn child recipe are affected the most by medicinal services organizations through wellbeing experts and other human services work force. They impact the moms in choosing to take care of the child with recipe and in picking, too, which brand of equation is best for their children. Moms trust their baby’s specialist as a result of their skill in the said field consequently this sort of connection is accomplished. Moms were by and large not worried about the conceivable reactions of breastfeeding as a couple w ere just stressed as appeared in the information introduced. It very well may be reasoned that various inside just as outer components impact a mother in settling on newborn child taking care of choices, and a more prominent part of these is financial in nature.

Saturday, August 8, 2020

What Can You Learn From Harvard Admission Essay Samples?

<h1>What Can You Learn From Harvard Admission Essay Samples?</h1><p>What would you be able to gain from Harvard confirmation exposition tests? Notwithstanding having a record in the affirmations office, a Harvard degree is one of the most significant and valued accomplishments in the instructive framework. What will this school teacher, visiting the college, notice about you? What will she see and find out about you?</p><p></p><p>Here are a few attributes that originate from an affirmations exposition test: she will see an insightful, well-spoken and imaginative candidate. She will find a person who accepts that instruction is their obsession. She will be struck by an amazing scholarly record. She will feel that the candidate has character and depth.</p><p></p><p>These attributes are a sign of good moral duty, a pledge to scholarly development, uncommon learning, extraordinary flexibility and inspiration, and solid rel ational abilities. You might not have any of these characteristics, however your experience will undoubtedly start her interest. She will be captivated by how you draw out the best in you, that you have any kind of effect and will make the most of your progress.</p><p></p><p>The Harvard application article test is generally more than one page, and the school will really have various arrangements accessible. In any case, similarly as with numerous applications, it may be an extraordinary thought to request the a couple of subjects that best fit you and where you plan to go from here.</p><p></p><p>The Harvard confirmations article test contains various accommodating assets. You will discover formats to assist you with keeping away from basic traps. It will likewise give you test continues, and brief compositions for you to make. These will keep you inspired, give you the data you need, and give you a feeling of direction.</p><p& gt;</p><p>When it goes to the school articles at Harvard, you don't need to stop at the area we talked about. You can incorporate some history and how that became, how you identify with the Harvard people group, and what you would like to pick up from the college. There are papers, you can make to incorporate the sort of individual you are, and what you wish to accomplish.</p><p></p><p>You might need to ensure that your Harvard confirmation article tests are from somebody who you trust, or the individuals who keep in touch with them. While you don't need to utilize Harvard confirmation article tests, they will assist you with building up a superior thought of what you are endeavoring to accomplish, and which addresses you ought to ask yourself.</p>

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Essay Topics From Farmer and Fed in American History Since 1865

<h1>Essay Topics From Farmer and Fed in American History Since 1865</h1><p>Writing great articles can be a strenuous errand just as an exhausting one, as there are such a large number of various paper subjects to browse. The way to completing this effectively is to decide the point that will suit you best and afterward base your paper on that. By figuring out how to know which subject is reasonable for your article, you will have the option to keep in touch with one that isn't just solid yet additionally informative.</p><p></p><p>Essays are not, at this point just expositions any longer and are utilized in school to support understudies and educators get the hang of something about history and society as a rule. It likewise allows understudies to concoct their own feelings about occasions that occurred in our nation's history. Furthermore, obviously it is ideal on the off chance that they additionally help their folks and different grown-ups who may peruse their papers out loud!</p><p></p><p>The initial step to realizing which article points to browse is to ensure that you pick themes that you find fascinating. It is likewise best to set aside some effort to consider what subject you might want to cover. When you have decided this, make a rundown of all your choices.</p><p></p><p>Once you have picked the subject you need to expound on, you should pick the timeframe that will be utilized in the exposition. For instance, on the off chance that you will expound on American history, you can pick themes that relate to American history, for example, the common war or subjugation. On the off chance that you are expounding on American history since 1865, at that point you will need to pick subjects from that time period.</p><p></p><p>Next, you should settle on a timeframe for the theme you are picking. The most straightforward approach to do this is to look into what year American history started. It ought to be founded on the occasion that is regular to all years - the Civil War. The Civil War occurred somewhere in the range of 1861 and 1865, so you can pick this timespan for your topic.</p><p></p><p>Once you have decided a timeframe and theme, you should pick points dependent on how they identify with the subject you picked. You can likewise consider how explicit or general the point is. For instance, on the off chance that you are expounding on American history since 1865, you can pick themes that relate to the common war however you might need to expound on different kinds of occasions in your nation's history, for example, the Great Depression or the Depression before World War II.</p><p></p><p>In expansion to deciding a timeframe and point, you will likewise need to think about your closely-held convictions. These can likewise be gathered by timeframes and subjects. For instance, o n the off chance that you decide to expound on American history since 1865, you can expound on different subjects that were well known at that point. For instance, on the off chance that you pick subjects from the mid 1900s, you can incorporate those points, for example, the Jazz Age or even a portion of the more established craftsmen, for example, Glenn Miller and others.</p><p></p><p>After you have composed a couple of drafts of your exposition themes, you will need to return and ensure that you canvassed the vital data in your paper. The most ideal approach to get your exposition finished is to ensure that you spread everything in your draft of the essay.</p>

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Three Paragraph and Three Sentence Essay Topics

<h1>Three Paragraph and Three Sentence Essay Topics</h1><p>How do you pick between three passages and three-sentence exposition points? Each paper point is fundamentally the same as, however each has its own arrangements of advantages and disadvantages. On the off chance that you wind up feeling that you are uncertain around either, here are a few hints that can assist you with making a decision.</p><p></p><p>One of the primary things to consider is in the event that you will compose an exposition dependent on the three-section position or on the off chance that you will compose a three-sentence paper. The most widely recognized type of article is the three-section design. This structure is simpler to compose than the three sentence structure since it isn't as unbending. You have more space to move around and depict your thought without feeling like you are confining yourself.</p><p></p><p>In class, I would not suggest composing three-section articles. They will in general give understudies who are battling with their composition, a type of certainty where they can compose an exposition without contemplating it. Three section articles will in general be simpler to peruse and to think about.</p><p></p><p>If you need a few hints about paper themes, at that point I would recommend that you take a gander at the model expositions that you can discover at the site for Princeton Review. These articles will be instances of various sorts of points and will assist you with seeing how the organization is utilized in various circumstances. You can likewise utilize them to get thoughts for your own essay.</p><p></p><p>If you feel that you are being restricted by three section groups, at that point you might need to think about switching things up a piece. For instance, you can expound on an individual or a spot that intrigues you. An incredible model is an anecd ote about a plane. This will permit you to say something regarding the airplane, and the individuals associated with making the airplane fly.</p><p></p><p>I would not suggest that you utilize this methodology in the event that you are intending to expound on research subjects. On the off chance that you utilize the three-section design, at that point it is a lot simpler to have the option to relate what you are concentrating to a real occasion that occurred. It is simpler to recollect when perusing something that happened a year back than if it is composed twenty years ago.</p><p></p><p>Whatever type of exposition themes you pick, recall that you need to make your article important. Understudies regularly read articles that are composed for a test and don't have the foggiest idea what the theme is about. So as to ensure that you cause your theme as fascinating as could be expected under the circumstances, to give a valiant effort to ca use it to identify with something that understudies could relate to.</p><p></p><p>You ought to likewise give enough space for the subject to relax. Attempt to incorporate something new to the subject of the article. Not exclusively will this improve the paper yet it will make it simpler for your understudies to peruse it as well.</p>

Monday, July 6, 2020

How to Select Envy Whites Environ Discourse Topics

<h1>How to Select Envy White's Environ Discourse Topics</h1><p>In the name of scholarly opportunity and a scholastic atmosphere that encourage scholastic greatness, you have available to you a plenty of approaches to investigate Senior Citizen Research Paper Topics. The quantity of assets accessible on the Internet alone can be overwhelming now and again. For the bustling instructor and teacher, this can be overpowering now and again, particularly with regards to the immense range of online research papers available.</p><p></p><p>Your initial phase in assessing Senior Citizen Research Paper Topics is to make a rundown of the kinds of courses or subjects that you are instructing and what you are going to cover in your study hall meetings. On the off chance that you are showing a customary course, for example, Introduction to Shakespeare or Medical Jurisprudence, you won't need the sorts of Senior Citizen Research Paper Topics. On the off chanc e that you are showing an ordinary course that will highlight Envy White's new research papers, you will presumably require more than one sort of research paper. To maintain a strategic distance from disarray and keep things basic, you should concentrate on the particular branches of knowledge that you have decided to teach.</p><p></p><p>When it comes to choosing your coursework, you are going to need to think about what thoughts, ideas, and terms you will be covering. While it might appear presence of mind, you have to realize that your understudies need to comprehend the examination you are introducing. In the event that you are showing a course, for example, Eager and Derrygarns' Eminent Domain Ethics, you should ensure that your understudies know why you are utilizing Enviro Discourse Theory to show the essentials of famous domain.</p><p></p><p>An perfect circumstance is center around one idea that you will educate. The test is to ensure that you don't over-burden your understudies with an excessive amount of data. Truth be told, you should attempt to abstain from packing data into the meeting or reading material. It would be amateurish if you somehow happened to have the whole class read through the whole first section of Enviro Discourse investigate paper before the finish of the semester. While instructing Eager and Derrygarns' Eminent Domain Ethics won't require any Envious Citizen Research Paper Topics, you should think about to how you are going to address the ideas you are acquainting with your understudies. On the off chance that you are showing a normal course, for example, Medical Jurisprudence, you should set aside the effort to see how the Eminent Domain idea identifies with Law and Literature. In the event that you are encouraging an exploration paper, for example, A Review of the Third International Symposium on Social Aspects of Envy, you will need to abstain from conflating the ideas of Envy a nd Eminent Domain and having everybody perused the whole section. By understanding the ideas you are instructing, you will have the option to give increasingly pertinent data and present the exploration in an all the more intriguing way.</p><p></p><p>Instead of attempting to fit an entire part onto a solitary talk or homeroom meeting, you should expect to remember the data for as barely any talks as could be expected under the circumstances. By a similar token, on the off chance that you are doing an examination paper on Envy White's points, you ought to pick a fascinating subject. You will need to choose a point that is anything but difficult to convey and is very intriguing.</p><p></p><p>Rather than conveying a virtual talk, you ought to rather convey a genuine Envy White research paper on one of her themes. This will give you an extremely important encounter for your understudies. In any case, you should utilize your own and expert aptitudes while introducing the exploration paper.</p><p></p><p>In synopsis, you should investigate your flow Envy White Research Paper Topics and select only a couple of subjects that you need to cover. Utilize this chance to advise understudies about what you are doing. Ensure that you cautiously pick which points you will talk about and how you will introduce them.</p>

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Determine the level of burnout dimensions of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and personal accomplishment - Free Essay Example

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction Generally, individuals who work face to face with people may experience burnout. Burnout can be a primary cause to an individual who suffers from this symptoms and also people around them (Landeche, 2009). Moreover, this syndrome affects people who work in helping professions or other client-centered fields (Schutte, Toppinen, Kalimo, Schaufeli, 2000). The idea of burnout was formed by Herbert Freudenberger in 1974 as wearing down or draining out of energy (Freudenberger North, 1985). In addition, Freudenberger (1974), state that burnout is not a situation that gets better by being ignored. Nor is it any kind of disgrace. On the opposite, its a problem born of good intentions. Burnout may render people unable to cope with their problems; however, those who are able to cope with their problems of work issues may perform better at their jobs. In the teaching profession, the phenomenon of burnout has often been studied and has globally been well accepted as being problematic and uncertain for teachers (Cherniss, 1995; Guglielmi Tatrow, 1998). Folkman (1984) relates burnout with stress; it is a combination of mental and physical symptoms. This psychological react as long-term exhaustion and diminished interest and it may take a long period to blow up to the surface. In addition to that, high level of stress for considerable periods of time could increase burnout characteristics including less sympathy and understanding towards students, reduced acceptance of students, failure to set up lessons and a lack of commitment to the teaching profession (Dorman, 2003). Ingersoll and Smith (2003) mentioned that teacher burnout is often known as a main source of teacher retention phase. At present, teachers in Malaysia are facing extensive pressure from all the changes taking place in the education system due to the Malaysia Plan. About 4 out of 27 Institut Pendidikan Guru Malaysia (IPGM) (Teachers Training Institutes) will focus on teacher training of English language teachers. Besides, the government will assess and monitor the effectiveness of the program constantly and will provide some inventive to empower students with English language (Tenth Malaysia Plan, 2010). This idea has increased ESL teachers workload and hence brings about the assumption that their burnout level has also risen. To make the above statement clearer, the teaching periods had increased from 90 240 to 330 minutes a week for primary 1, 2 and 3. Meanwhile, for primary 4, 5 and 6 it has increased from 90 210 minutes to 300 minutes a week. The changes also do not exclude secondary schools ESL teachers, whereby their teaching periods had increased from 80 200 to 280 minutes a week. Further, literature reports that workload or work tasks have increased and education system transformation, societal changes and multitasking have caused teachers work to increase in intensity (Brante, 2009). Moreover, the changes of moral and normative quality of teachers work (where teachers are expected to influence students lives to a greater level than in the past) also have caused teachers work to become more complicated and intense (Brante, 2009). The complexity of the tiredness situation develops negative job feelings, low professional in self-perceptive and losing of empathy for clients (Maslach Pines, 1984). According to this characterization, the burnout syndrome consists of three dimensions: emotional exhaustion felt by people who cooperate extensively with other people, depersonalization and diminished personal accomplishment. Emotional exhaustion is indicated by lack of energy and the consumption of a persons emotional wealth. Depersonalization results in the form of impassiveness and cynicism toward co-workers, clients, and the organization. Finally, diminished personal accomplishment is a tendency to assess oneself negatively (Maslach, 1982; Maslach Jackson, 1981; Pines Maslach, 1980). According to Maslach (1976), people who always have interactions with others can undergo consistent emotional pressure. Burke and Greenglass (1995) suggested that burnout includes three components that are conceptually diverse but empirically related (p.188). In this line, Schaufeli and Buunk (2002) consider the occurrence of teachers difficulties is characterized in three dimensions, including (1) a physical dimension concerning exhaustion as an external symptom, (2) a mental distancing from regular teacher activities, and (3) a reduced professional effectiveness. Considering all of these measures which contribute to teacher burnout, the purpose of this study took its shape. The study primarily aims to investigate the level of burnout in a selected group of English language teachers in Putrajaya primary and secondary schools. Additionally, it seeks to find out whether their working experience or teaching level can determine their level of burnout. 1.2 Statement of Problem Teachers are often physically and emotionally challenged; therefore, they may experience burnout. Teacher burnout has been shown to have negative effects on teacher and student performance (Huberman Vandenberghe, 1999; Maslach Leiter, 1999). Here a clear picture can be seen that stresses an important issue in most educational systems today. Research on elementary school teachers in the United States shows that working experience can influences teacher burnout (Cheek, Bradley, Parr Lan, 2003). In line with that, research in Malaysia also indicates teachers from different working experience categories suffer varying levels of burnout (Mukundan Khandehroo, 2009). Besides, a research in Hong Kong primary and secondary school teachers perceived different level of stress (Alan, Chan, Chen, Elaine Chong, 2010). Whereas most research carried out in European and North American Countries indicated high levels of burnout among primary school teachers (Mearns Cain, 2003). In Malaysia, primary and secondary school teachers also suffered from stress (NUTP, 2005). Demographic factors have been found much related to burnout syndrome among teachers in various studies. Most of the studies focused on age, gender, marital status, education attainment and job satisfaction, but very few focused on working experience among specific subject teachers (Mukundan Khandehroo, 2009). Moreover, not much studies done in federal administrative centre of Malaysia like Putrajaya. Meanwhile, the education system and administration also has been graded as very outstanding. Given the relative paucity of research in this area in Malaysia, it is important to study the effect of teachers working experience and teaching level on burnout. 1.3 Objectives of Study The present study is an attempt to determine the level of burnout among a group of English language teachers in a number of primary and secondary schools in Putrajaya, Malaysia. The specific objectives of the study are as follows: To determine the level of burnout dimensions of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and personal accomplishment among the sample. To compare the samples burnout levels in reference to their working experience. To compare the samples level of burnout in reference to their teaching level. 1.4 Research Questions The research questions of the study are as follows: What is the level of emotional exhaustion among ESL teachers in Putrajaya? What is the level of depersonalization among ESL teachers in Putrajaya? What is the level of personal accomplishment among ESL teachers in Putrajaya? Is there a significant difference between high (10 years and above) and low (below 10 years) experienced teachers scores of burnout dimensions? Is there a significant difference between the ESL primary and secondary school teachers scores of burnout dimensions? 1.5 Significance of Study At this small-scale level, the findings from this study will provide valuable information for both schools (primary and secondary) ESL teachers in Putrajaya. By having this information, teachers and stake holders may realize and more aware of the current situations. School is a centre in promoting education to students. In educational setting, students relate to many different professionals who assist them in pursuing and achieving their educational goals. Teachers have important roles in the teaching- learning network. Maslach (1976) notes that the teaching career is relatively flat with little opportunity for hierarchical advancement, and regardless of how many hours teachers work, there is very little opportunity for additional pay. Based on this, it is expected that this study will help ESL teachers especially to be more professional in managing their work and to help them to reduce their burnout level. In addition, the study contributes to ESL teachers and administrators awareness of the can factors that lead to burnout. This will prevent the teacher from being overly stressed or burnt out at work. This study looks into the burnout occurrence with relation to working experience among ESL teachers in Putrajaya schools. It also tries to determine primary and secondary school ESL teachers level of burnout. It is one of the steps to have healthy teachers ensure effective teaching performance. The significance of this study lies on the data collection regarding the burnout and working experience among primary and secondary school ESL teachers in Malaysia. It can lead to a better reduction of stress among the English as Second Language teachers in Putrajaya. The findings of the study can provide useful information for the decision makers to help the ESL teachers as increased stress levels would affect the education system. Moreover, the administrators also have better understanding of the present educational situation and this will improve teachers efficiency in primary and secondary schools in Putrajaya and consequently result in students better performance. 1.6 Limitation of Study This study was limited to primary and secondary school ESL teachers in Federal Territory of Putrajaya only. As such, the findings may not be generalized to all primary and secondary schools ESL teachers in Malaysia. In addition according to Krejcie and Morgan (1970) the researcher required a sample size of 113. However, only 79 respondents cooperated for this study. The ESL teachers who were excluded in this study were in courses, doing further study, on medical leave and maternity leave and some of them were on personal leave. 1.7 Operational Definition of Terms Burnout :Freudenberger (1974) defined burnout as one of the chronic exhaustion and frustration resulting from continued commitment to a goal or principle that has unsuccessful to produce a corresponding reward. Within the scope of the present study, burnout refers to ESL teachers experience of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and reduced personal accomplishment based on the well-known definition by Maslach (1976) as well as Maslach and Jackson (1981). Emotional Exhaustion : Feelings of being emotionally overextended and exhausted by ones daily conflict in work. In this study, following Gavrilovici (2007), the term is defined as the lack of passion and the sense of emotional draining by other people among the teachers. As the first dimension of burnout, emotional exhaustion in this study is measured by items like I feel emotionally drained from my work Depersonalization: An insensitive and impersonal response toward receivers of ones concern, care, service or instruction (Maslach, Jackson, Leiter, 1996). Thus, it can result in the form of impassiveness and cynicism toward co-workers, clients and the organization(Ali Hamdy, 2005). In this study, it is measured by items like I feel I treat some students as if they were impersonal objects Personal Accomplishment : It is defined as feelings of competency and successful achievement in ones work and ones self capability in classroom and professional efficacy (Gavrilovici, 2007). In this study, items like I feel I am positively influencing other peoples lives through my work, helped the researcher measure teachers personal accomplishment. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction In this chapter the previous studies on burnout and its three dimensions are presented. Next, studies that investigated burnout and its connection with working experience are discussed. The chapter also includes a review of the literature on burnout in relation to teaching levels of primary and secondary schools. Finally, the theoretical and conceptual frameworks of the study are discussed. 2.2 Studies Related to Burnout and its Dimensions Ideally, the teaching profession should be seen as effect ion of love in work and enthusiastic; however, various studies have shown that today it has been changed as a stressful job (Travers Cooper, 1996; Kyriacou, 2001; Kyriakides, Campbell Christofidou, 2002). Moreover, todays teaching job is quite complicated as teachers have to carry out not only teaching but also matters associated with curriculum, students, parents, the school community and departmental initiatives. According to Smylie (1999), These are tough times to be a teacher (p. 59). These issues of distress in the teaching profession may be the culprits for increased burnout levels. Generally, individuals who work face to face with people may experience burnout. Burnout can be a primary cause to an individual who suffers from this symptoms and also people around them (Landeche, 2009). Burnout in the teaching profession has frequently been investigated and has globally been well accepted as being problematic for teachers (Cherniss, 1995; Guglielmi Tatrow, 1998). Burnout was first introduced by Herbert Freudenberger in 1974. It was defined as wearing down or draining out of energy (Freudenberger North, 1985). Burnout may render people unable to cope with their problems. Those who are unable to cope with their problems of work issues may exhibit a lower level of job performance quality. Burnout is a sophisticated state of mental strain, the center of which is emotional exhaustion (Maslach Jackson, 1981). The thought of going to work is a common symptom of emotional exhaustion. Often this can be exacerbated as individuals become frustrated or angry with themselves as they realize they cannot give the same kind of enthusiasm as in the past to the company or administrator. However, New York Magazine stated burnout is a problem thats both physical and existential, an untidy conglomeration of external symptoms and personal frustrations (Senior, 2006). Burnout results from a form of chronic stress associated with the everyday interactions and close contact with others that is required in peoples work (Pennington, 1992). Teachers are among the people that are highly exposed to burnout because they entertain their students every day in school. Teaching line at times can be very dissatisfying and it is a painstaking job (Cikla Duatepe, 2004). Most of burnout research that had been done has been limited to the helping profession (e.g., nursing, education, social work); however, the construct is pervasive, cutting across many types of organizations and jobs (Cordes Dougherty, 1993). In conjunction with that, Stoeber and Rennert (2008) conducted research involving different cultures. They found that school teachers have one of the highest levels of work stress. Societal changes, increased workload or work tasks, education system transformation, change of moral and normative quality of teachers work (where teachers are expected to influence students lives to a greater level than in the past), and multitasking have caused teachers work to increase in intensity and become more complicated (Brante, 2009). Burnout can develop negative job feelings, low professional in self-perceptive and losing of empathy for clients (Maslach Pines, 1984). The burnout syndrome is explained in three dimensions: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and diminished personal accomplishment (Maslach Pines, 1984). According to Maslach (1976), people who always have interactions with others can undergo repetitious emotional pressure. The construct of emotional exhaustion imply the thoughts of overtiredness and overextension caused by every day work force, and workplace conflicts. While, depersonalization is referring to the growth of negative feelings and impersonal responses towards the people they works closely which affect the continual relations among helpers (for example, teachers) and clients (for example, students). Reduced personal accomplishment means a loss of self esteem and work accomplishment as a consequence of limited positive feedback and recognition and competency in personal affairs at work (Maslach Jackson, 1981; Rowe, 1998). In line with that, Burke and Greenglass (1995) suggested that burnout which includes three components that are conceptually diverse but empirically related (p.188). Schaufeli and Buunk (2002) considered the occurrence of teachers difficulties is characterized in the three dimensions, including (1) a physical dimension concerning to exhaustion as an external symptom, (2) a mental distancing from regular teacher activities, and (3) a reduced professional effectiveness. Some studies indicate stress can occur due to the workload increment, mischievous students, parent-teacher relationship issues, misunderstandings among colleagues, no support or very poor school leadership and lack of autonomy (Skaalvik Skaalvik, 2007). The longer a teacher works, the less job satisfaction they exhibit. This paves the way to an increase in emotional exhaustion (EE) and a reduction in personal accomplishment (PA). Most recognized that teaching profession has one of the largest occupational pressures. Burnout influences most of the teachers at some point of their teaching profession (Cheek, Bradley, Parr Lan, 2003; Dorman, 2003; Schwab Iwanicki, 1982). Teachers burnout can have consequences for their professions (Wood McCarthy, 2002). Moreover, when burnout increases in teachers profession, it makes them hate their career and it affects their students achievement (Dworkin, 1985). Farber and Miller (1981) notable that teachers who experience symptoms of burnout might: be less sympathetic with their students have low tolerance for frustration not plan often or carefully consider or plan to leave the profession all together report feelings of emotional or physical exhaustion on a frequent basis be depressed, irritable, and anxious From the professional point of view, burnout can lead to a significant fall in teaching performance, frequent absenteeism due to illness and early retirement. Teachers who suffer from burnout may behave rigidly towards their students, and have negative and low expectations of students, and they may feel exhausted emotionally and physically, and show low levels of involvement in teaching or concern for their students (Maslach, 1976; Spaniol Caputo, 1979; Farber Miller, 1981). In the United States, teacher burnout has become a topic receiving national attention (Blase, 1986; Huston 1989). A survey of American literature by Farber (1991) showed that approximately 5-20 percent of all teachers in the United States will be burned out at a given moment in their career. In Malaysia, the unease over job-related stress, experienced by school teachers, has been raised to a great extent by the National Union of the Teaching Profession or NUTP (Abdul Muin Sapidin, 2005). As it can be observed from the findings of the local research in both primary and secondary schools a considerable proportion of teachers suffer from stress. The teachers who experienced high levels of stress, in each research, included 17.5% (Mokhtar Ahmad, 1998), 21.3% (Mohd Razali Othman Abd. Mat Abg. Masagus, 1998) and 36.8% (Malakolunthu, 1994). These researchers have reported various factors as the sources of stress in their samples, including students attitude, workload, and having to teach poorly motivated students. A research by Mukundan and Khandehroo (2009) found that burnout was evident among Malaysian English teachers at high levels in all dimensions. However, there is a lack of attempt to measure the burnout level involved in ESL teaching in the country. 2.3 Studies Related to Working Experience and Burnout Teacher development is a dynamic journey. The occurrence of work stress of teachers has increased in recent years. While educators were a strong element in influencing education resolution and encouraged by varies class of people since 30 to 40 years ago, this begin to change particularly starting the mid-70s (Iwanicki, 1983; Gunduz, 2005). Until now, more than 1,000 studies on burnout done by the researchers and it can be considered the gold standard research where teachers who have spent many years in the profession also been involved (Schaufeli Enzmann, 1998). The demographics variables that may influence burnout include the teachers age, gender, marital status, education background, working hours, time spent in former workplace, experience, sensitivity of their job and their self perceptions about quality of teaching (Johnson, Gold Knepper, 1984; Qtd. in Aksoy, 2007, p. 20). Researchers have found that age and teaching experience are related to teacher stress level (Yahaya, Hashim, Kim, 2005). Moreover, studies carried out in Malaysia identified several factors contributing to stress and burnt out at work among teachers, such as years of experience in teaching (Mokhtar, 1998), the feelings of responsibility and working environment (Ismail, 1998), the school type and perceptions of inadequate school facilities (Chan, 2006) and use of information technology (Hanizah, 2003). Moreover, studies have shown that teachers burnout often experiences an aggravated phase at some point in the middle of their teaching experience that is about teaching after 15 years or so. This is when teachers may feel frustrated with teaching or working to meet the level of step-down. As a result, they often feel helplessness and fatigue. In American and Australian study found that newer teachers were more likely to experience higher burnout than more experienced ones (Crane Iwanicki, 1986; Pierce Molloy, 1990). The relationship between the level of burnout and teaching experience may be explained by the intention that feeling burnout could be reduced as a result of trained maturity. Attention to the teachers experience is also given by Konert (1997). She suggests that better coping skills with students have been developed by more experienced teachers than less experienced teachers, and they might have acquired more realistic expectations over the time about their profession. Generally, teachers who are less experienced are in need of help from their seniors or experienced teachers. The experienced teachers will try to solve the problem by themselves. However, these teachers also need to sacrifice their time. This indicates experience could also be a crucial factor that can influence burnout. Leong (1995) stated that development of effective methodology to cope with various factors that lead to stress may be handled more effectively by the teacher with more experience. Studies showed that a teacher without experience is more likely to be an interventionist than a highly experienced teacher (Martin et al., 2002). On the other hand, another study shows that an experienced teacher is more likely to be an interventionist (Martin et al., 2002). Here the interventionist refers to the teachers beliefs and attitudes toward classroom management in three broad dimensions which are instructional management, people management, and behavior management with reference to working experience. More research is required to resolve such inconsistencies in previous research findings. Less experienced teachers may suffer from burnout as a result of a feeling of powerlessness. A teacher who experiences low self-esteem and out-of-the-way from students will not be able to perform well. Shukla and Trivedi (2008) state that, Burnout is not a trivial problem but it is an important parameter of a major social dysfunction in the work place (p. 324). In addition to that, teacher burnout has been shown to have negative effects on teacher and student performance (Huberman Vandenberghe, 1999; Maslach Leiter, 1999). Teachers who are confused on their job specifications will develop feelings of depersonalization. Dissatisfaction and increases in tiredness, increases with work pressures, and role conflict (Viswesvaran et al., 1999). Again, less experienced teachers may feel high levels of burnout as they have to cope with the changes in a new environment. Less experienced teachers are more likely to experience burnout and conflict-inducing attitudes towards the students (Sava, 2001). In a study in southwest United States, 51 elementary school teachers were involved in the study using music therapy techniques to treat teacher burnout (Cheek, Bradley, Parr Lan, 2003). The results showed that burnout also influences most teachers at some point in their working experiences (Cheek et. al., 2003). A study on the age and years of teaching experience of the agriculture teacher are related to depersonalization scores and no significant relationships were found between years of teaching experience and emotional exhaustion and personal accomplishment (Croom, 2003). Obviously, as teachers grow older and more experienced, they will alleviate coping skills in tendency to treat students in an impersonal manner. In line with that, teaching competency is an additional determining stressor for less experienced teachers with limited training, as research shows significant differences between the novice and the experienced, the trained and untrained, as well as those with and without full qualifications (Chan Juriani, 2010). In other words, teaching capability is a factor which causes the teachers who lack training and experience to feel more stressful than the other teachers. In Malaysia, a study by Mukundan and Khandehroo (2009) indicated less experienced ESL teachers had a higher level of emotional exhaustion as compared to experienced teachers. Such findings imply that less experienced teachers are more responsive to their students than the experienced ones. In contrast, Hong Kong studies found that no significant difference has been found between teachers with various years of teaching experience in perceived stress level (Alan, Chan, Chen, Elaine Chong, 2010). However, connection can be seen from previous study in Turkey. It involves 523 teachers from 50 primary public schools. The researcher sought to find out to what extent teaching experience variables predict burnout among primary school teachers. The results of the study indicated that working experience can be considered as significant predictors of emotional exhaustion dimension of burnout (Yaln Ozdemir, 2007). From the literature it may be seen that burnout is a complex issue that should be addressed in reference to working experience. In the present study, another variable which is teaching level and the literature related to it will be discussed. 2.4Studies Related to Teaching Level and Burnout Studying on the issue of burnout among primary and secondary school teachers is important for the administration and teachers to work together to improve the working environment and reduce the burnout. In Malaysia, a survey conducted among 9,000 primary, secondary and technical school teachers revealed that 67% of Malaysian teachers suffer from stress (NUTP, 2005). From a few existing studies in the literature, researchers found primary and secondary school teachers in Hong Kong perceived different levels of stress. Teachers of primary schools perceived a significantly higher level of stress than those in secondary schools. Issues of class cuts and teachers career instability could be the main reasons for such results (Alan, Chan, Chen, Elaine Chong, 2010). A study on the relationship between primary school teachers burnout and some of their demographic variables in Turkish cities found that burnout levels of the teachers are low (Cikla Duatepe, 2004). By contrast, a study in Antalya, Turkey by Ali (2009) considers the relationship between teachers burnout and organizational health in primary schools. The findings show that teachers burnout level is low in emotional exhaustion and personal accomplishment and high in depersonalization. Based on a study conducted on emotion regulation ability, burnout and job satisfaction among British secondary school teachers it was found that a significant relationship exists between emotion regulation ability and a component of burnout, personal accomplishment (Brackett, Palomera, Mojsa, Reyes Salovey, 2010). However, a study on emotional intelligence and locus of control as predictors of burnout among secondary school teachers in Ondo State, Nigeria indicated that both emotional intelligence and locus of control significantly could predict burnout among secondary school teachers (Akomolafe Popoola, 2011). In Malaysia, it was found that English teachers (n=184) teaching in Malaysian primary and secondary schools in Malacca experience burnout at high levels in all three dimensions of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and personal accomplishment (Mukundan Khandehroo, 2009). In addition, in a research project conducted by Segumpan and Bahari (2006) among 1209 teachers from 14 secondary schools in Malacca, it was found that 57.2% of the respondents had high stress levels because of the students misbehavior. In contrast, in a study on stress among teachers in secondary schools in Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia, it was found that 74% of secondary school teachers experienced low levels of stress (Azlihanis, Nyi Nyi, Aziah, Rusli, Mohd Rahim, 2009). Moreover, a study showed that role conflict, role ambiguity, role overload, and lack of administrative support significantly predict burnout among girls secondary school teachers in Kinta, Perak (Leong, 1995). In line with that, another study in Kinta, Perak showed that burnout among teachers are significantly related to social support, working environment and role overload. The boys secondary school teachers were experience higher level of burnout and teachers from girls secondary schools experience low level of burnout (Mohd Puat, 1998). As it can be seen from the reviewed literature, there is very little research on burnout and the teaching level and hence a need for further studies. 2.5 Theoretical and Conceptual Framework of the Study Figure 1 shows the theoretical framework for this study. Basically, emotional exhaustion plus depersonalization and reduced personal accomplishment will influence burnout. In specific terms, a high score on the emotional exhaustion subscale and a high score on depersonalization subscale and a low score on personal accomplishment subscale will indicate a high level of burnout: (EE + DP) PA = BURNOUT. Based on this theoretical framework, the following conceptual framework was proposed (Figure 2): IV DV Context Figure 2: Conceptual framework As the figure shows, the independent variables (IV) are working experience of ESL teachers (10 years and 10 years) and their teaching level (primary and secondary schools). The dependent variables (DV) are emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and personal accomplishment which may identify the burnout level among primary and secondary schools ESL teachers in Putrajaya (Figure 2). CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction In this chapter, the researcher will discuss the design, location, population, sample, sample size and sampling technique of the study. MBI-ES or Maslach Burnout Inventory Educators Survey (1986), as the instrument will be explained. Finally, the procedures of data collection and analysis will be discussed. 3.2 Research Design The research design used for the purpose of this study is quantitative method. Smith (1988) mentioned that quantitative method is a statistical analysis of a body of numerical data which involves counting and measuring of events. The main advantage of the quantitative method is that measurement is reliable, valid, and generalizable where clear prediction of cause and effect can be seen (Cassell Symon, 1994). This study used a survey method to gather the data. A survey was used because it was more manageable to collect the data needed within a short time frame. A questionnaire was used to collect data. According to Oxford (1996), questionnaire are the most efficient and comprehensive way to assess data (p. 28). 3.3 Location of Study Putrajaya was made a Federal Territory in 2001. Kuala Lumpur and Labuan are the other two. Putrajaya was the brainchild of the former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohammad who was in power then. It is known as the federal administrative centre of Malaysia which is a planned city. The population is expected to grow in this new city. Over 30,000, population was estimated in 2007 which comprised mainly government servants including teachers. The educational system and administration in this city are expected to be very outstanding. The schools selected for this study were 21 (11 primary and 10 secondary) government-sponsored schools. The population included ESL teachers (N=160) who teach in different levels. These ESL teachers are among 1, 205 of overall teachers in Putrajaya who also responsible to teach 14, 115 students (Data from EMis Online, 31 October, 2010). 3.4 Sampling Procedure This study was conducted among primary and secondary school ESL teachers in Federal Territory of Putrajaya. As from 160 ESL teachers only 79 respondents answered the questionnaire (49.4% return rate). Based on the school administrator list, most of the ESL teachers are Malays with a few from other ethnicities. The researcher contacted the respondents through the school administration. The respondents were 79 ESL teachers (37 primary and 42 secondary school teachers) who teach in Federal Territory of Putrajaya. These teachers are from government-sponsored schools. They are 20 (25.3%) male and 59 (74.7%) female teachers. The age ranged from 26 to 55 years old. They consisted of Malay, Chinese, Indian, and Kadazan ethnic groups. These ESL teachers working experience ranged from 1 to 30 years of teaching. These teachers came from various categories of schools in Putrajaya, including Sekolah Berprestasi Tinggi (High Performance School), Sekolah Kluster (Cluster School), Sekolah Bestari (Smart School), Sekolah Cemerlang Ko-Kurikulum (Co-Curricular Excellence School), Sekolah Berasrama Penuh (Boarding School) and Sekolah Harian (Daily School). 3.4.1 Sample Size The sample size of the study as calculated by following Krejcie and Morgans (1970) formula: S = required sample size X2 = the table value of chi-square for one degree of freedom at the desired confidence level N = the population size P = the population proportion (assumed to be .50 since this would provide the maximum sample size) d = the degree of accuracy expressed as a proportion (.05) As the result of the calculation showed the suitable sample size for this study was 113 respondents. The questionnaire was distributed to 21 schools which were primary and secondary government-sponsored schools. A total of 79 respondents returned their questionnaire. 3.4.2 Sampling Technique Random sampling was chosen as the quantitative sampling method. Cluster sampling was the most appropriate for the study because the sample could be chosen based on area and subject. At the first stage, the areas of Putrajaya were chosen and at the second stage, a sample of respondents within those areas was selected. 3.5 Instrument In order to collect the data for this study, a questionnaire, Maslach Burnout Inventory Educators Survey was employed (MBI; Maslach, Jackson, Schwab, 1986). It is a 22 items self-report instrument which known as the most widely used operationalisation of burnout (Lee Ashforth, 1996, p. 124). The MBI ES has been noted to show strong psychometric properties which include factorial, convergent, and discriminant validity (Sweeney Summers, 2002; Maslach, Jackson Leiter, 1996). In addition, the MBI is the most generally accepted and widely used instrument to measure burnout (Sweeney Summers, 2002; Capel, 1986). So far, more than 1,000 studies have used the MBI to assess burnout so it can be considered the gold standard for measuring the construct (Schaufeli Enzmann, 1998). The MBI ES consists of 22 items which measure burnout on three subscales: Emotional Exhaustion (EE) Continual emotional tiredness resulting from psychotherapy and teaching a great number of students on daily basis. A sample of an EE item would be: I feel emotionally drained from my work. Depersonalization (DP) -Indifference and a pessimistic approach toward students specified by utilizing disapproving labels to describe them. A sample of a DP item is: I feel I treat some students as if they were impersonal objects. Finally, Personal Accomplishment (PA) Involvement of a teacher to make the students well-being and be an intellectual person. A sample of PA statement would be I feel Im positively influencing other peoples lives through my work. The questionnaire is rated based on a Likert style 7-point scale: 0 = Never; 1 = A few times a year or less; 2 = Once a month or less; 3 = A few times a month; 4 = Once a week; 5 = A few times a week; and 6 = Every day. The items that measure emotional exhaustion are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 (9 items). The items that measure depersonalization are 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14 (5 items). Finally, the items that measure personal accomplishment include 15, 16,17,18,19, 20, 21 and 22 (8 items). In addition to that, 8 from these 22 items are reverse items: 4, 7, 9, 12, 15, 16, 20 and 22. The MBI distinguishes the burnout syndrome in terms of a) high level of emotional exhaustion, b) high levels of depersonalization, c) reduced level of personal accomplishment (Yildiz-Kirilmaz, Celen Sarp, 2003; Schwarzer, Schmitz Tang, 2000). According to previous established criteria by Brenninkmeijer and VanYperen (2003), participants who were responded with a high score on the emotional exhaustion together with a high score on depersonalization or a low score on personal accomplishment can be classified as having burnout. A demographic questionnaire was appended to the questionnaire. The demographics of the ESL teachers would elicit information about the participants gender, age, marital status, ethnicity, teaching level, working experience and level of education. The three-factor structure of the instrument has been validated. Test-retest reliabilities were reported as .65 for Emotional Exhaustion, .60 for Depersonalization, and .67 for Personal Accomplishment. Moreover, the test-retest reliabilities for the three subscales were .60 for Emotional Exhaustion, .54 for depersonalization, and .57 for Personal Accomplishment (Jackson, Schwab, Schuler, 1986). Subsequent studies have found the MBI subscales to be stable over time, with correlations in the .50 to .82 range on time spans of three months to one year (Leiter Durup, 1996). Iwanicki and Schwab report Cronbachs alpha estimation for Emotional Exhaustion was .90, Depersonalization was .76 and Personal Accomplishment was .76 too, while Gold (1984) reports estimates of .90, .74 and .72 respectively. These reliabilities parallel those of the MBI. Additionally, two studies also tested the validity and reliability of MBI-ES. Factor-analytic studies by Iwanicki and Schwab (1981) with 469 Massachusetts teachers and by Gold (1984) with 462 California teachers support the three-factor structure of the MBI-ES. 3.6 Data Collection Data collection was done over a period of one week. An official letter was written to get the permission from the headmasters or school administration. The MBI-ES questionnaires were sent to the 21 selected government-sponsored schools in Putrajaya. The questionnaires were given to the selected teachers in the schools. The school administrators were informed that after one week, the questionnaires would be collected. The researcher faced problems while conducting the survey. Some schools administrators did not cooperate in distributing the questionnaires among their ESL teachers due their busy schedules. As a result, 160 questionnaires were administered and a return rate of 49.4% (79) was achieved. The respondents were assured anonymity for all the data collected. 3.7 Data Analysis Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) 17.0 for Windows was used to analyze the data. Descriptive statistics such as percentages and frequency distributions were used to describe participants demographic information. Moreover, means and standard deviations were used to see the difference between primary and secondary schools ESL teachers burnout scores. Independents samples t-test was used to test any significant differences between the samples burnout scores in reference to their working experience and teaching levels. CHAPTER 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Introduction This chapter looks into the results of the analysis of the data collected. The results in this study are presented in means and standard deviations in tables. The findings related to each question are presented in order. 4.2 Demographic Information A total of 79 respondents were involved in this study. They were 20 (25.3%) male and 59 (74.7%) female teachers. Among the respondents, 46.8% were from primary and 53.2% from secondary schools. The ESL teachers who had less than 10 years of working experience were 64.6% whereas 35.4% had more than 10 years of working experience. Among these respondents, 59 (74.7%) were married, 18 (22.8%) were single and 2 (2.5%) single parents. Majority of the respondents were Malay (73 out of 79; 92.4%). There were also 2 Chinese, 3 Indian and 1 from ethnicity of Kadazan. 4.3 Reliability Results A Cronbachs alpha of .60 or more indicates an acceptable level of reliability in the social sciences and humanities. According to DeVellis (2003), the range of coefficient alpha values generally are classified as minimally acceptable (.60-.64), acceptable (.65-.70), good (.70-.75), very good (.75-.80), and excellent (.80 and above). In the present study, the corresponding Cronbachs alpha scores were 0.71 for Emotional Exhaustion, 0.68 for Depersonalization and 0.67 for Personal Accomplishment (Table 1). Table 1: Reliability Results Dimensions Cronbachs Alpha Emotional Exhaustion .713 Depersonalization .678 Personal Accomplishment .666 As the table shows, the reliability of the scores achieved for DP and PA items was acceptable while the reliability of EE items was observed to be good. 4.4 Quantitative Analysis and Discussion In this part, the results of the data analyses related with each research question were given. The research questions of the study were sub-heading as follows: 4.4.1 Emotional Exhaustion Levels The first research question sought to find out the level of emotional exhaustion among Putrajaya ESL teachers. As the descriptive statistics results of the teachers scores showed, they suffered from moderate levels of emotional exhaustion. The mean score was 21.63 or (M = 21.63, SD = 8.15), which according to the criteria (17-26) is a moderate level (Table 2). 4.4.2 Depersonalization Levels The second research question sought to find out the level of depersonalization among Putrajaya ESL teachers. As the descriptive statistics results of the teachers scores showed, they suffered from moderate levels of depersonalization. The mean score was 11.15 or (M = 11.15, SD = 5.94), which according to the criteria (7-12) is a moderate level (Table 2). 4.4.3 Personal Accomplishment Levels The third research question sought to find out the level of personal accomplishment among Putrajaya ESL teachers. As the descriptive statistics results of the teachers scores showed, the teachers had moderate levels of personal accomplishment. The mean score was 34.19 or (M = 34.19, SD = 6.93), which according to the criteria (32-38 mean score) is a moderate level (Table 2). Table 2: Response Categories for Emotional Exhaustion, Depersonalization and Personal Accomplishment on the Maslach Burnout Inventory Educators Survey Response Category Emotional Exhaustion Depersonalization Personal Accomplishment High 27 or over 13 or over 0-31 Moderate 17-26 7-12 32-38 Low 0-16 0-6 39 or over The response categories and their corresponding values for emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and personal accomplishment on the Maslach Burnout Inventory Educators Survey (Maslach, Jackson Leiter, 1996) are presented in Table 2. The interpretation scores of burnout dimensions are based on the Table 3 mean scores where shown clearly in Table 2. Table 3: Descriptive Statistics Results for Burnout Dimensions Burnout N Mean SD Emotional Exhaustion 79 21.6329 8.14638 Depersonalization 79 11.1519 5.94438 Personal Accomplishment 79 34.1899 6.93019 Interpretation scores: {Emotional Exhaustion: 16 (low), 17-26 (moderate), 27 (high)} {Depersonalization: 6 (low), 7-12 (moderate), 13 (high)} {Personal Accomplishment: 39 (low), 32-38 (moderate), 31(high)} The present study revealed that the teachers represent moderate levels of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and personal accomplishment. Therefore, it can be concluded that the level of burnout among Putrajaya ESL teachers is moderate. Literature reports that moderate burnout demonstrates moderate scores with all three subscales (Maslach, Jackson Leiter, 1996). These results were different from those of a study by Ali (2009) which showed that teachers burnout level was low in emotional exhaustion and personal accomplishment and high in depersonalization. Nevertheless, a study among English teachers teaching in Malaysian primary and secondary schools in Malacca experiencing burnout at high levels in all three dimensions of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and reduced personal accomplishment (Mukundan Khandehroo, 2009). 4.4.4 Burnout and Working Experience The fourth research question was posed to find out whether there is a significant difference between high and low experienced teachers and their burnout scores. Table 4 shows the descriptive statistics results: Table 4: Mean and Standard Deviation for Burnout Dimensions with Reference to Working Experience Burnout Working Experience N Mean SD Emotional Exhaustion 10 51 21.7647 7.50623 10 28 21.3929 9.34261 Depersonalization 10 51 10.8824 5.91489 10 28 11.6429 6.07493 Personal Accomplishment 10 51 33.9804 6.86292 10 28 34.5714 7.16177 The table shows the mean and standard deviation for burnout dimensions with reference to working experience (Table 4). It was found that teachers with the working experience less than 10 years have moderate level of emotional exhaustion (M = 21.76, SD = 7.51) and followed by teachers who have more than 10 years of working experience (M = 21.40, SD = 9.34). Regarding the level of depersonalization both groups of teachers indicated moderate level of depersonalization. Personal accomplishment of teachers with less and more than 10 years of working experience revealed to be moderate. The overall score was moderate for all the three items which represent emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and personal accomplishment for both less than 10 years and more than 10 years working experience. However, the results of independent samples t-test (Table 5) revealed that there is no significant mean difference in the Emotional Exhaustion, t(77) = .193, p=.117; Depersonalization, t(77) = -.541, p=.708; and Personal Accomplishment, t(77) = -.361, p=.980; between high (10 years) and low (10 years) experienced teachers. Table 5: Independent Samples t-test between Working Experience and Burnout ___________________________________________________________ tdf p___________________________________________________________ EE .193 77 .117 DP -.541 77 .708 PA -.361 77 .980 ___________________________________________________________ Note: EE = Emotional Exhaustion; DP = Depersonalization; PA = Personal Accomplishment p .05 Moreover, the independent samples t-test shows that there is no significant difference between high and low experienced teachers with regard to emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and personal accomplishment. So, it can be concluded that working experience does not affect all the three dimensions of burnout significantly. This result supports the finding of a study conducted in Hong Kong where no significant difference was found among teachers with different years of teaching experience in perceived stress level (Alan, Chan, Chen, Elaine Chong, 2010). 4.4.5 Burnout and Teaching Level The last question was whether there is a significant difference between burnout scores of the ESL primary and secondary school teachers. According to the results there is no significant difference between burnout scores of the ESL primary and secondary school teachers. Both groups of school teachers represent a moderate level of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and personal accomplishment. Table 6 shows the mean and standard deviation for burnout dimensions with reference to teaching level. The teachers were divided into the two groups of primary and secondary school teachers. It was found that teachers in both types of schools represent a moderate level of emotional exhaustion (M = 20.78, SD = 7.09, M = 22.38, SD = 9.00). Regarding the level of depersonalization both groups of teachers indicated a moderate level of depersonalization. Personal accomplishment of teachers in primary and secondary schools appeared to be moderate as well. The overall score was moderate for all the three items which represent emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and personal accomplishment for both primary and secondary schools. Table 6: Mean and Standard Deviation for Burnout Dimensions with Reference to Teaching Level Burnout Teaching Level N Mean SD Emotional Exhaustion Primary 37 20.7838 7.08729 Secondary 42 22.3810 8.99580 Depersonalization Primary 37 9.5135 5.08605 Secondary 42 12.5952 6.32093 Personal Accomplishment Primary 37 36.0000 6.09645 Secondary 42 32.5952 7.29203 These findings were in contrast to a study on English teachers teaching in Malaysian primary and secondary schools in Malacca who reportedly experienced burnout at high levels in all three dimensions of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and reduced personal accomplishment (Mukundan Khandehroo, 2009). Additionally, in another study by Alan, Chan, Chen, Elaine and Chong (2010) it was found that teachers of primary schools showed significantly a higher level of stress than those in secondary schools in Hong Kong. Table 7: Independent Samples t-test between Teaching Level and Burnout ___________________________________________________________ tdf p___________________________________________________________ EE -.868 77 .178 DP -2.366 77 .078 PA 2.234 77 .061 ___________________________________________________________ Note: EE = Emotional Exhaustion; DP = Depersonalization; PA = Personal Accomplishment p .05 In supportive, the results of independent samples t-test (Table 7) also revealed that there is no significant mean difference in the Emotional Exhaustion, t(77) = -.868, p=.178; Depersonalization, t(77) = -2.366, p=.078; and Personal Accomplishment, t(77) = 2.234, p=.061; between primary and secondary school teachers. These finding were in contrast to a study on the relationship between primary school teachers burnout and some of their demographic variables in Turkish cities found that burnout levels of the teachers are low (Cikla Duatepe, 2004). Brouwers and Tomic (2000) concluded that both to prevent and to treat burnout among school teachers, self-efficacy in classroom management must be taken into consideration when devising interventions. CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION 5.1 Introduction There are three major sections in this chapter. These sections include the summary of findings, followed by implications and recommendation where some insights for future research direction will be given. 5.2 Summary of Findings Teachers are one of the most important factors in the teaching and learning process. Their attitudes towards the subject (ESL) and their burnout levels have an influence on students learning and attitudes towards school. The objective of this study was to determine the level of the three dimensions of burnout among the sample. The study also compared the burnout levels of the sample in references to their working experience and teaching level. For this purpose, 79 ESL teachers cooperated by responding to a questionnaire. As the results indicated, the ESL teachers in this study were found to experience moderate levels of burnout. Furthermore, no significant difference was found between low and high experienced teachers in their burnout. As continued, no significant difference was found between the primary and secondary school teachers in Putrajaya. Teachers in all categories exhibited a moderate level of burnout. 5.3 Implications Burnout should not be ignored. Ever since the 1980s, stress and burnout have become serious issues affecting millions of workers (Farber, 1983). Due to its stressful nature, the teaching profession is a target of burnout (Cherniss, 1980; Jarvis, 2002; Maslach, 1982; Weisberg Sagie, 1999). The findings of this study show that the ESL teachers in Putrajaya represent moderate burnout. It is expected that the results make the decision makers more aware of the phenomenon of burnout so that they take measures that help teachers reduce their burnout levels as continued increases in stress levels would affect the teachers performance and in turn the quality of the entire educational system. In addition to that, the findings of this study provide valuable information for both schools (primary and secondary) and ESL teachers in Putrajaya. Teachers can take steps to avoid aggravating their burnout levels and to be more professional in managing their work. Moreover, ESL teachers and administrators can explore factors that contribute to burnout. This will prevent the English as Second Language teachers in Putrajaya from being overly stressed or burnt out at work. A few ways to prevent burnout are a combination of organizational change and education for the individual. This may prevent teachers from being burnt out. Workshops, conferences and other professional development courses should be offered by experts to ESL teachers in Putrajaya to deal with their burnout. Therefore, professional development programs should also consider teachers with both high and low teaching experiences (Mukundan, Hajimohammadi Nimehchisalem, 2011). In line with that, it has been suggested that the school administration should help the teachers overcome the syndrome of burnout by granting more opportunities for extracurricular activities (Mukundan Khandehroo, 2009). In this way, administrators will have better understanding of the present educational situation and this will improve teachers efficiency in primary and secondary schools in Putrajaya and consequently result in students better performance. 5.4 Recommendations Some areas from the finding in this study could be further researched. It is recommended that this study should be replicated in the other two federal territories of Malaysia: Federal Territory of Labuan and Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur. The results of such a study can be compared to those of the present study in Federal Territory of Putrajaya. The researcher also suggests that religious belief may prevent the occurrence of burnout by nurturing a sense of belonging to promote relationship and support with both God and with community as highlighted in National Philosophy of Education (NPE). Education in Malaysia should be an unending attempt towards promoting the potential of individuals who are intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and physically balanced and harmonious based on a strong belief and devotion to God. Research on this variable can show whether this objective has been followed by the teachers and whether it has helped them avoid burnout. Finally, further research seems necessary to determine the effect of students learning in increasing or decreasing the probability of burnout among ESL teachers.